Privacy policy

1. About SEALSKINZ and this Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement outlines how we collect personal information, how we maintain, use, disclose and secure that information and destroy information that is no longer needed. It also provides some detail about your privacy right along with our general right and obligations and our statement in relation to the personal information we keep on record. The Website provides information about and details of SEALSKINZ products and services, some of which are available for purchase online.

Users are required to register their personal details prior to purchasing goods from the Website. Acceptance of the SEALSKINZ Terms and Conditions is a pre-requisite to use of the e-commerce component of the Website.

2. Personal Information held by SEALSKINZ

Personal information is defined in the Privacy Act as information or an opinion (including information or opinion forming part of a database), whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, which identifies a person. We only collect personal information that is necessary to assist us in providing our services. In most situations the information we collect about you is provided to us directly by you, for the purpose of purchasing SEALSKINZ products from the Website.

Generally, we keep a record of one or more of the following types of personal information about users of the Website:

(a) information that identifies them, such as their name, date of birth, address, telephone number, e-mail address, name of card holder for credit or debit cards and any other information provided by them, as well as any information provided by them about third parties, such as a name and delivery address;
(b) account transaction information including credit, debits and account details for any purchases made via the Website;
(c) historical commentary regarding any conversations held between our users and SEALSKINZ. All information collected is required and used for our business purposes only.

3. Collection of Personal Information

SEALSKINZ may collect personal information about you in a number of ways, including, but not limited to:

(a) directly from you, when you submit information online or provide information by phone or in documents.
(b) any other form of information submitted to us by you or any other person such as third parties who submit your name and address, as a point of contact and/or delivery address.
(c) via agents or service providers, via other websites or via lists from other sources both from other companies and from other public documents and via strategic partners.

4. Use of Personal Information

Unless you object, this information may be used to:

(a) contact you;
(b) deliver your purchase orders to you or the nominated delivery address;
(c) fulfil administrative functions associated with your purchase order, for example billing;
(d) carry out secondary purposes related to the primary purpose of carrying out our business functions, such as providing products purchased by you to you;
(e) effectively manage your accounts and carry on our business;
(f) assess, process and investigate queries and/or complaints made by you;
(g) update your records;
(h) send news, information about our activities and general promotional material which we believe may be useful to you;
(i) monitor who is accessing the Website or using services offered on the Website;
(j) profile the type of people accessing the Website.

If you do not wish to have your personal information used in this manner or for any other specific purpose you can e-mail us accordingly.

5. Opt-Out

We take reasonable steps to protect all personal information we collect or hold about our users from misuse and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure to the best of our ability.

We have physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your information that is held by us, and this includes among other things, preventing users from accessing information they have no need to access, by employing industry standard techniques such as firewalls, virus scanning tools and encryption; by using secure networks when transmitting electronic data; by practising a ‘clean desk statement’; and by providing secure storage for physical records. Additionally, SEALSKINZ may elect not to store credit card or bank account details once the transaction has been processed. However, we cannot guarantee the security of transmission.

We utilise “cookies” which enable us to monitor traffic patterns and to serve you more efficiently if you revisit the site. A cookie does not identify you personally but it does identify your computer.

You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie and this will provide you with an opportunity to either accept or reject it in each instance. We will not sell or otherwise provide your personal information to a third party, or make any other use of your personal information, for any purpose which is not incidental to your use of this Website.

For the removal of doubt, personal information will not be used for any purpose, which a reasonable person in your position would not expect. SEALSKINZ uses secure methods to destroy or de-identify any personal information as soon as the law permits, provided the information is no longer needed by us for any purpose.

6. Rights to Disclose Personal Information

We may need to disclose personal information to various organisations and/or parties (such as delivery service providers, information technology services providers, marketing service providers, market research agents, business partners and affiliate companies of SEALSKINZ from time to time to help us to provide and market our goods and services to you.

In some instances, we may need to disclose personal information to organisations and/or parties in a foreign country where, for example, this disclosure or transfer of personal information is necessary to enable the performance of our services (such as customs departments and postal services). Such disclosure will be only for purposes related to the primary purpose for which your personal information was collected, and will not be for any purpose that you would not reasonably expect.

For all other purposes, your consent is generally required prior to disclosure of personal information, however we may still use or disclose that information if:

(a) we subsequently notify you of the intended use or disclosure and you do not object to that use or disclosure;
(b) we believe that the use or disclosure is reasonably necessary to assist a law enforcement agency or an agency responsible for government or public security in the performance of their functions;
(c) we are required by law to disclose the information.

We will preserve the content of any e-mail you send us if we believe we have the legal requirement to do so.

Your e-mail message content may be monitored by us for trouble-shooting or maintenance purposes or if any form of e-mail abuse is suspected. Personal information which we collect may be aggregated for analysis but in such circumstances we would ensure that individuals remain anonymous. If you request us not to use personal information in a particular manner or at all, we will adopt all reasonable measures to observe your request.

7. Correction of Information

We take reasonable steps to ensure that all personal information we hold is accurate, complete and up to date. Users and other individuals should update and maintain their contact details within their online account, by logging into the Website using their personal login and password and accessing their account information.

8. Access to Information

Individuals are entitled to request access to any personal information relating to them that has previously been supplied to us over this Website. They are entitled to edit or delete such information unless we are required by law to retain it. We will process requests within a reasonable time, usually 14 days for a straightforward request or 30 days if it is more complicated. More time may be needed, depending on the nature of the request. Appropriate identification of the individual concerned will be confirmed before access is provided.

In certain circumstances, we are permitted by the Privacy Act to deny such requests for access, or to limit the access we provide. If we refuse or limit your access to your personal information, we will inform you of the reason why.

9. Contacting us

If you wish to comment on or query our Privacy Statement, contact us via the ‘contact form’ on the Website contact page or on the details below:

SealSkinz Limited
36 Oldmedow Road Hardwick Industrial Estate
King's Lynn
PE30 4PP

10. Changes to our Privacy Statement

We may amend this Privacy Statement from time to time. Not all changes to our Privacy Statement will require the consent of our users, for example where office security procedures are changed. We will notify our users of any change to our information handling statement that requires your consent before implementing. This Privacy Statement was last updated on 01/06/2022.